Sabtu, 02 Juni 2018

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NEW DIRTY BASTARD. K-Speed's Hip Hop Honda Super Cub Scrambler ...

The Honda Super Cub is an underbone Honda motorbike with a single cylinder four-stroke engine from displacement from 49 to 124Ã, cc (3.0-7.6 â € <â €

In sustainable manufacturing since 1958 with production exceeding 60 million in 2008, 87 million in 2014, and 100 million by 2017, the Super Cub is the most widely produced motor vehicle * in history. Variants include C100, C50, C70, C90, C100EX and C70 Passport.

The Super Cub's ad campaign, you meet the best people at Honda , has a lasting impact on Honda's image and on America's attitude toward motorcycles, and is often used as a case study marketing.

Video Honda Super Cub


The idea for a new 50-cubic-centimeter (3.1Ã, cuÃ, in) motorcycle was made in 1956, when Honda Motor's Soichiro Honda and Takeo Fujisawa toured Germany and witnessed the popularity of motorcycles and mopeds light. Soichiro Honda was primarily the company's engineering and production leader, always with an eye for victory on the racetrack, while his close partner Fujisawa was the financier and business, leading the sales and formulating a strategy intended to dominate the market and completely destroy Honda. Motorcycle Competitors. Fujisawa has thought of a long-term expansion strategy, and unlike other Japanese companies, they do not want to just increase production to benefit from the recent economic boom in Japan. Small, high-performance motorcycles are central to the plan. Consumers moving upward in postwar Europe usually move from bike to clip machine, then buy scooter, then bubble car, and then small car and so on. Fujisawa sees that the motorcycle does not fit this pattern for the common man, and he sees the opportunity to change it. Soichiro Honda at the time was tired of listening to Fujisawa talking about his new motorcycle idea; Honda came to Europe to win the Isle of Man TT race and wanted to think of something else.

Fujisawa and Honda visited the Kreidler and Lambretta showrooms, and the others, examined the kind of motorbike Fujisawa thought. Fujisawa said the design is "no future" and will not sell. The concept is a two-wheeled for everyone, which will appeal to the developed and developing countries, urban and rural. New motorcycles have to be technologically simple to survive in various places without the latest knowledge and access to advanced tools or reliable parts supply. Common consumer complaints about noise, poor reliability, especially in electricity, and general use difficulties should be addressed. Because Honda is a bigger growing company, it needs a product of attractiveness that can be produced on a large scale. The design should be completed before production begins, as it would be too costly to fix large amounts of problems to be produced. This type of scooter almost fits the bill, but it's too complicated for developing countries to keep it, and those little wheels are performing poorly on an unattended or nonexistent road. Another of Fujisawa's requirements is that it can be ridden with one hand while carrying a tray of noodles, said to Honda, "If you can design a small motorcycle, say 50 cc with a cover to hide the machine and the hoses and wires in it, I can sell it.I do not know how many noodle shops in Japan, but I bet that every store will want one for shipping. "

After being intrigued, Soichiro Honda began developing the Super Cub when he returned to Japan. The following year Honda presented a mockup to Fujisawa which eventually matched what he had in mind, Fujisawa said annual sales would be 30,000 per month, half as much as the two-monthly Japanese market. The goal is to export motorcycles on a scale not yet seen in the postwar Japanese economic turmoil, when most of the company's discontinued trading efforts are handled through foreign trading companies. Honda must establish its own subsidiary abroad to provide the necessary services and distribution of parts in a large country such as the United States. For this purpose American Honda Motor Company was founded in 1959. In 1961 a sales network was established in Germany, then in Belgium and England in 1962, and then France in 1964.

Honda Juno was the first scooter to use polyester resin, or fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP), bodywork, and although Juno's production ceased in 1954 as a result of Honda Motor's financial and labor problems at the time, Fujisawa continued. to encourage research in polyester resin casting techniques, and this effort generates fruit for the Super Cub. The new motorcycle fairing is the most widely used polyethylene, which reduces weight over FRP, but Honda's suppliers have never made such a big die cast before, so die must be provided by Honda. Super Cub is the first motorcycle to use plastic fairing. Motorcyle historian Clement Salvadori writes that the front fenders and plastic foot shields are, "probably the largest contribution of Cub: plastics do the job as well as metal at a much lower cost." The technology developed in the Isle of Man TT racing program is just as important as the new lightweight motorcycle, allowing 3.4 kilowatts (4.5 hp) of the four-step Honda machine 50Ã, cc , where the company's first machine which was built a decade earlier, a "precise copy" of the 50 cc war machine of the Tohatsu Honda surplus war that has been sold as an additional motorcycle engine, has only 0.37-0.75 kilowatts (0, 5 -1-hp) output. Honda's first four strokes, the 1951 E-type, had a slightly larger strength than the Super Cub, 3.7 kilowatts (5 bhp), with nearly triple the displacement, 146 cc (8.9 cuÃ, in).

To create a new motorcycle, Honda built a new 10 billion yen plant in Suzuka, Mie to produce 30,000, and with two shifts, 50,000, Super Cubs per month. The factory was modeled on the Volkswagen Beetle production line in Wolfsburg, Germany. Until then, Honda's top model only sold 2,000 to 3,000 per month, and observers consider the cost of a new plant too risky for expenditure. Edward Turner of BSA went to Japan to see the motorcycle industry in September 1960, saying that the investment of Suzuka factory size was "very dangerous" because the US motorcycle market was saturated. When it was completed in 1960, Suzuka Factory was the largest motorcycle factory in the world, and was a model for Honda's mass production facility in the future. The economic scale achieved at Suzuka cuts 18% of the cost of producing each Super Cub when Suzuka can run at full capacity, but in the short run Honda faces excess inventory problems when the new plant operates before full sales and distribution networks are installed.

Maps Honda Super Cub


The Super Cub has been compared to Ford Model T, Volkswagen Beetle and Jeep as a 20th century industry and transport icon. The C100 uses a monocoque steel press chassis, with a horizontal engine placed beneath the central spine, a configuration now called a 'step through' or 'underbone' motorcycle. With some criteria, the type of Super Cub motorcycle falls into hard to classify, landing somewhere between a scooter and a motorcycle, and sometimes called a moped, "step-thru", or a scooter.

The plastic fairing ran from under the handlebars and under the feet, protecting the rider's feet from wind and road debris, and hiding the machine from view. The design is like a full scooter cage, but unlike a scooter, the engine unit and gearbox are not mounted on the rear axle. It has several benefits. It moves the engine down and away from the seat, releasing the rear swingarm movement of the drivetrain to lose unsprung weight. It also makes the engine coolant air flow more direct, and allows to install larger wheels. Placing the engine in the center of the frame, not close to the rear wheels, greatly improves the front-rear balance. The fuel tank is located under a hinged seat, which opens to reveal a fuel filler hole. The 17-inch wheels, compared to a 10-inch scooter wheel, are more stable, especially on rugged roads, and psychologically make motorcycles more familiar, have a closer look to the bike than a small wheel scooter.

The pushrod overhead valve (OHV) air-cooled four-step single cylinder engine has 40-by-39-millimeters (1.6Ã, ÃÆ'â € Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,) bore ÃÆ'â € "Stroke, displacing 49 cubic centimeters (3.0Ã, cuÃ, in), and could produce 3.4 kilowatts (4.5 hp) at 9,500 rpm, for a maximum speed of 69 km/h (43 mph), in favorable conditions. A low compression ratio means the engine can consume low-cost, generally available low-octane fuels, and minimize efforts to power the engine, making extra weight and electric starter costs an unnecessary comfort. Although some variations of the Super Cub come with kicks and electric current, the majority sell well without it. Even the latest 2011 2011 Japanese domestic market (JDM) Super Cub 50 and Super Cub 110 versions, with modern technology and convenience such as fuel injectors and fuel gauges, are not offered with the option of electric start.

Three-speed manual shifts in sequential shifts are manually shifted, but without clutch, without the need for clutch lever control, using a centrifugal clutch along with a clutch plate folded onto the exchange lever to engage and release the gearbox from the engine. Although not intuitive to learn, once the rider is accustomed to, semi-automatic transmission, "take terror off a motorcycle" for the novice rider. Unlike many CVT scooters, the centrifugal clutch allows to push start Super Cub, a useful advantage if needed.

The initial Super Cubs used 6 volt ignition magneto mounted on a flywheel, with batteries to help retain power to the lamp, while being upgraded to a capacitor discharge (CDI) discharge system. The lubrication system does not use oil pumps or oil filters, but is a primitive feed grid system for crankcase and gearboxes, with a screen that can not be consumed to collect debris in engine oil. Front and rear brakes are drums. On the front and rear wheels are 2.25 "ÃÆ'â €" 17 "spoke wheels wire, with full-width hub.

Honda recommends daily inspection of lamps, horns, tire pressure, brakes, fuel and oil levels, and weekly inspection of battery electrolyte levels. Maintenance of new break-in engines is done at 320 km (200 mi), requiring valve tread adjustment and breaker contact point, and oil change, and motorists are advised to stay below 48 kilometers per hour (30 mph) for the first 800 kilometers (500 million ). Every 1,600 kilometers (1,000 mi) of spark plugs need to be cleaned, and chain adjustments are checked, and every 3,200 kilometers (2,000 mi) of oil changes, check point breaks, and valve adjustments should be made. At 8,000 kilometers (5,000 mi), major care must be taken, requiring cleaning and cleaning of the carburetor, chain drive, exhaust damper, and wheel bearings. The rider closes the manual choke to help get started at cooler temperatures. By today's standards, this is a simple motorcycle, with minimal maintenance demands, and earned a reputation for high reliability.

Honda Super Cub - Wikipedia

You meet the best people at Honda

In June 1963 in US media, Honda started a 12-year advertising campaign "You meet the best people at Honda", created by Gray Advertising. Gray bought the idea from a UCLA undergraduate student, who has created the concept for class assignments. This event marked the beginning of the decline of domestic and British motorcycle brands in the US market, and the rise of Honda and other Japanese companies. In December 1965, Edward Turner said sales of small Japanese motorcycles were good for the BSA, attracting new riders who would pass to larger engines, not anticipating that Japan would advance over the next 5 years to directly threaten British bikes with sophisticated models technical. such as Honda CB750, and Kawasaki Z1. As a case study in business and marketing, the campaign is still remembered half a century later, with a strategic management textbook saying, "Honda and Supercub are probably the most recognizable and most debated cases in business strategy." It is credited with having "found the concept of lifestyle marketing."

The special elements of the Super Cub design are an integral part of the campaign, such as a closed chain that keeps the lubricant chain from being thrown at the riders' clothing, and foot protectors that also block road debris and concealed machines, and the convenience of semi-automatic transmission. Presenting the Super Cub as a consumer tool that does not require mechanical talent and identity changes to "motorcyclists", or worse, "biker", distinguishes Honda's offerings, because, "the dedication required to maintain the bike in that era limits ownership to demographics which is relatively small, is often regarded as a young man known for his black leather jacket and angkar attitude. "

Instead of remaining limited to try to convince the traditional male lower-class buyers to switch to Honda from another brand with the macho approach of most motorcycle ads at the time, Honda had opened up new land. The advertising campaign seeks to improve the image of motorcycles in general and expand the overall size of the motorcycle market by attracting new riders. In luck for Honda, Brian Wilson and Mike Love composed the 1964 "Little Honda" song, praised the excitement of driving the Honda 50, and even invited listeners to visit their local Honda dealer, in a language that sounded as though it could have been written, or at least paid by Honda's advertising copywriter, but it's not a commercial jingle. The song was released by The Hondells in 1964, followed by the release of original recordings by The Beach Boys. In 1965 The Hondells released "You Meet the Nice People on a Honda", another song promoting the Super Cub, which is actually used in Honda TV spots, as the B side for the "Sea Cruise" version.

Long-running campaigns, including slogans, music, and optimistic images from respectable, middle and upper class people, especially women, who rode Honda have become closely related to the Honda brand ever since. Honda's image is made in contrast to the biker "bad boy" which is only one percent and the focal point of Japanese bashing boosterisme Harley-Davidson motorcycle made in the US.

In addition to Harley-Davidson fans, the company itself has a more conflicting reaction to the success of the "You meet the best people" campaign of Honda. Initially they were offended by the suggestion that the Harley-Davidson rider was not a "good guy." Harley-Davidson since its founding in 1903, carefully cultivates a quiet image of honor, and will not begin tentatively to embrace the "villain" demographic of their customer base for at least ten years. In 1964, they denied the existence of association with one-percenter bikers, and distanced themselves from the implications of Honda's campaign. But they also "try to have it both ways", and soon join the Vespa and Yamaha in producing ads that are "similar to suspicious" to "you meet the best people." Whether they are offended by or imitate Honda, at a time when Harley-Davidson does not share the interpretation that the Honda ad, "added to Harley's macho image."

New 2018 Honda Super Cub C125 - YouTube

Model history

Honda Super Cub debuted in 1958, ten years after the founding of Honda Motor Co. Ltd. 1952 The original Honda Cub F was a bike clip machine. Honda kept the name but added the prefix 'Super' for the all-new lightweight machine. The Super Cub sold poorly initially, mainly due to the recession in Japan, and then three months after its 1958 launch, when customer complaints started rolling around slipping the grip. Salesmen and Honda factory workers leave vacations to fix affected Super Cubs, visiting each customer in person. When imported into the US, the name was changed to Honda 50, and then Honda Passport C70, and C90, as the Piper Super Cub trademark became a priority. Similarly, in the UK they are only given a badge of 'Honda 50', 'Honda 90' etc. As Triumph Tiger Cub is preceded.

Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan (in Japanese) , including the Honda Super Cub C100 in 1958 as one of 240 Japan Automotive Landmark Technology .

Super Cub Line

The first Super Cub variation was the C102, launched in April 1960. The C102 has an electric start next to the kick start, and battery & amp; ignition coil is not magneto, but vice versa equal to C100.

The OHV machine 86,7Ã, cc (5.29Ã, Â ° CuÃ, Â °) at 1963 C200 was used in step 1965 CM90. New in 1965 was a 63Ã, cc (3.8Ã, cuÃ, in) engine with a chain-driven overhead camshaft (OHC). It is used in two new models: C65, steps with 4.1 kW (5.5 bhp), and S65, with frames like C110/C200 and 4.6 kW (6.2 bhp) @ 10,000 rpm.

In 1966 the C50 appeared and remained in production until the mid-80s, becoming one of the most extensive and familiar versions of the Super Cub. Honda replaces the OHV 40 UF-39 mm (1.6Ã, ÃÆ'â € "1.5Ã, Ã) in 50Ã, cc engine with OHC 39.4 mm alloy head ÃÆ'â €" 41.4 mm (1.54 ÃÆ' â € "Ã , 1.63Ã, in) and an iron cylinder engine of CS50 and C65, which increases power from 3.4 to 3.6 kW (4.5 to 4.8 bhp). Similarly, CM90 was replaced in 1966 with 89.5 cc (5.46 cuÃ, in) 5.6 kW (7.5 b bhp) OHC CM91, a year later in 1967, got a fixing fork and headlamp like C50, to become a familiar C90.. Although the basic design of the Cub remains unchanged, new styles and fixes include a closed front fork. The C100 remained in production with the newer version one year longer, until 1967. After 1980 the US C70 was called the C70 Passport.

In 1982, for most markets, Honda installed a new capacitor ignition system (CDI) to replace previous contact points, helping to meet emissions standards in markets like the US. At the same time the electrical system changes from 6 volts to 12 volts.

In 1984, Honda released a version that the Cubs exhibited in several markets, with square and plastic covered lights and rear spacers. In the Japanese domestic market the square style is optional, but in some places like the UK they replace imports of traditional Cub-style round lamps.

In 1986, larger HA05E 100Ã, cc engine models were introduced primarily for the Asian market. The newer 100c, cc models are developed exclusively for the Southeast Asian market, especially in Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam, where the underbone is very popular, with new features like telescopic front suspension to replace more old link suspensions old, and four-speed transmission to replace the older three-speed transmission used in older Cub variants. The 100Ã, cc model was originally known as the Honda Dream in Thailand and the Honda EX5 in Malaysia, before it was standardized as the Honda EX5 Dream in 2003. In addition, Honda Japan started importing made in Thailand Dreaming as Super Cub C100EX in 1988. The Japanese C100EX was later in the facelift in 1993, while the EX5 Dream Southeast Asia maintained its 1986 design to date, with only a few cosmetic changes. In 2011, the EX5 Dream carburetor was removed in Thailand and replaced with a fuel injected Honda Dream 110i, with a fuel-fueled Honda Wave 110i powertrain.

In the late 1990s, Honda introduced their new NF series motorcycle, known as the Honda Wave series, called Honda Innova in several markets, using steel tube frames, front disc brakes and plastic covers in various displacement options: 100Ã, cc , 110Ã, cc and 125Ã, cc . Although not Cubs, these bikes are sold consistently well especially in European countries, where the production of previous Honda Cub models has been discontinued. However, production of Honda Cubs in Asia, Africa and South America still continues today, although newer Honda Wave Series and other designs have been introduced with the Cub.

In 2007, Honda began installing a PGM-FI fuel injection system for Honda Cubs in the Japanese market for lower fog emission generation.

Sports Cub

The C110 Sports Cub debuted in October 1960. The C110 is more like a traditional motorcycle that the rider has to straddle, not the steps. It has a different frame, with a fuel tank on top of the frame and in front of the chair, and a steel frame tube bone running horizontally from the head tube to the seat. It also has fewer powers, increasing from 3.4 to 3.7 kW (4.5 to 5 bhp) @ 9,500 rpm. The sub-variants of the Sports Cub are C111, no pillion chairs, and C110D, also called C114, which has a low exhaust pipe. The initial version of Sport Cub has a 3 speed gearbox but then this is converted to 4 speed. The C102 remained manufactured during the model's six years, until 1965, and the C110 Sports Cub until 1966.

In 1963 came an enlarged OHV engine of 86.7 cc (5.29 inches) and 4.8 kW (6.5 bhp). It's used first in the C200, which has a frame like the C110, with a more upright handlebars.

The last year of S65 production was 1967, and the CD65 and CL65 took its place for only one year, 1968. It has a 4.6 kW (6.2a bhp) 63-cc (3.8Ã, cuÃ, in) engine higher than CS65. Then 4.6 kW (6.2 bhp) 71.8 cc (4.38 cuÃ, in) C70 replaced the C65 and CL65 in 1969. It had the same peak horsepower, but at 9,000 rpm instead of 10,000, and more lots of torque, 0.53 kg? m (5.2Ã, N? m; 3.8Ã, lbf? ft) at 7,000 rpm than 0.48Ã, kg? m (4.7Ã, N? m; 3.5Ã, lbf? ft) at 8,000Ã, rpm. It was introduced in the United States, Canada and Asia at launch and in the UK in 1972.

Mini bikes

In 1960 the CZ100 arrived, using the same engine in a much smaller frame with only a 5 "wheel. First of the Honda Z series, the CZ100 was meant only as a short-range bike or a short-range paddock, but instead found popularity in bike niche monkeys.


The on-and off-road version of the Super Cub, which today will be classed as a dual sport bike but called a trail bike at the time, CA100T Trail 50, came out in 1961. Jack McCormack, the first nationwide sales manager American Honda Motor Company, Trail 50, and moreover the Honda CB77, is the result of Honda's willingness to listen and respond to customer requests. "When you talk about Japanese manufacturers, their strength (other than the quality of their equipment) is that they listen to the market.People always suggest that it is about Japanese management, but, honestly, I have never been impressed with Japanese management They do what no other motorcycle does - they listen. "

In 1960, McCormack noticed that one of Honda's dealers in Boise, Idaho sold more Honda 50 out of a total of six dealers in Los Angeles. He found that the Idaho dealer, Herb Uhl, sold the CA100s as a trail bike by adding a knobby tire for off-road traction and a "fraud sprocket," that is, increase the final drive ratio by using a larger rear sprocket with more gears, which increases the effective torque of the rear wheels, transacting lower than the top speed as a result. Uhl said the excess light weight and automatic clutch allows unskilled riders to enjoy off-road riding, compared to traditional large trail bikes that may be difficult to handle. McCormack sent a UHl-made CA100 version to Japan and asked Honda to include it in production, and in March 1961, Trail 50 was available to US dealers. Cycle World praised the simple pleasures of a trail riding on a new bike, and that is the success of US sales.

Updated Super Cub launched | Visordown


2018 Honda Super Cub | HiConsumption

Current Popularity

Sales for Super Cubs have increased in Japan with upgrades to engine and fuel injection installations for Japan's domestic market model starting from 2007, making it stronger, more economical and cleaner. In connection with newer, plastic underbone body designs, such as Wave, the original Cub remains popular.

Peter Egan and Steve Kimball entered the Honda C70 Passport passport in the 1981 Craig Vetter Fuel Economy Challenge, competing with a specially designed two-wheeled vehicle built by a team of engineering students, and an entry from Honda America. This line is a 65 mile (105 km) long loop near San Luis Obispo that must be completed in 1 hour and 40 minutes, giving or taking 10 minutes, which means an average speed of 35 mph (56 km/h). Kimball, riding a Passport, won the event with a skillful and errorless ride, with 198 miles per gallon US (1.19 L/100 km; 238 mpg -imp ).

In Vietnam, the Super Cubs are the main models of motorcycles, so "Honda" has become a generic trademark or metonymy, equivalent to "xe ÃÆ'Â'm" which refers to motorcycle taxis. In the English-speaking world as well, "Honda" is often synonymous to "motorcycles" as a result of the existence of the Super Cub everywhere.

Super Cub is included in the 1998 The Guggenheim exhibition [The Art of the Motorcycle]. In 2006, on the Discovery Channel series The Greatest Ever, an episode about motorcycles put the 1958 Super Cub in the first place. James May, a co-presenter on the popular television series Top Gear, purchased the Honda Super Cub for the 2008 Vietnam 12 season special. The author of Roland Brown wrote that, "of all the brilliant bikes that Honda has built - the CB750 superbike , the six-cylinder racer Mike Hailwood, the mighty Gold Wing, you name it - the most important is the C100 C100 of 1958. "

In 2014, the Super Cub became the first vehicle in Japan to be granted a three-dimensional trademark.

Licensed model

Chongqing Guangyu Motorcycle Manufacture Co., China, known as Kamax, has a motorcycle line based on Super Cub Design, licensed from Honda, including EEC Super Cub. The 'Super Cub' remake is developed solely for the European market in cooperation with Super Motor Company. Super Motor Company which is the sole European distributor of EEC Super Cub sells 3 different variations; Super 25, Super 50, and Super 100. Flyscooters imported the Yinxiang Super Cub variant into the US, under the name Fly Scout. Similarly, China Jialing Industrial Co., Ltd. has ten models based on the Super Cub Honda design, including the JL50Q-2 and JL90-1 that are faithful to the original 1958 style, as well as some modern restuffing. Lifan Group exports a version to the UK, 97Ã, cc (5.9Ã, Â ° CuÃ, in) LF100, featuring telescopic forks, four-speed gearboxes and digital tooth indicators.

SYM Motors of Taiwan licensed the Super Cub design as Symba 100, previously called Symba 110 , which they export to the US. While maintaining the basic design, SYM increases the size of the front brakes from 110 to 130 mm (4.3 to 5.1 inches), and adds an LED fuel gauge. Instead of front fork the front link, it uses a telescopic fork. The Symba engine has a carbureted 101.4 cc (6.19 inches) claimed to produce 6.5 hp (4.8 kW) at 8500 rpm, with a four-speed gearbox using semi-automatic transmission of centrifugal clutch.


At the 2009 Tokyo Motor Show, Honda presented the EV-Cub concept car, a motive electric motorcycle after the honorable Super Cub, featuring a two-wheel drive using an electric motor mounted on the hub of each wheel. Honda says they feel keeping the 1958 layout for their 21st century concept bike makes sense because, "the human body has not changed in the last 50 years," and, "the size, shape and position of all Super Cub parts have a kind of need for them, and that the Super Cub design is very rational and driver-centric. "The additional space created by the absence of the engine in the center of the frame and the lack of a gas tank creates room for the storage of the underseat helmet, typical of the scooter. Integrated with a new electric motorcycle is an interactive communication system, to allow the rider to talk while riding a horse. Several other companies, including Christini, KTM, ÃÆ' â € "bins, and Yamaha have been developing on two-wheel drive motors, and have found that the addition of forward power and rear wheels helps stability, especially around corners and in the hands of novice riders. At the moment Honda hinted that they would bring the EV-Cub to the market in 2010. In a 2016 speech, Honda President and CEO Takahiro Hachigo said they plan to release the EV Cub in Japan in about two years, following later in other ASEAN markets.

NEW DIRTY BASTARD. K-Speed's Hip Hop Honda Super Cub Scrambler ...

See also

  • Yamaha v50
  • Suzuki FR50
  • Honda CT series

HONDA-SUPER-CUB - LegendarySpeed Videos


* ^ Chinese Flying Pigeon bicycles, with 500 million orders in service in 2007, are the most widely produced vehicles. View the Koeppel, Dan (January-February 2007), "Merpati Flight", Cycling , Rodale, Inc., vol. 48 no.Ã,1, pp.Ã, 60-66, ISSNÃ, 0006-2073 , retrieved January 28, 2012

Herb Uhl's son Billy Uhl competed with his father at the International Six Days Enduro in 1969, winning the Gold Medal five times in the 1970s, and was inducted into the American Motorcyclist Association Motorcycle Hall of Fame in 2007.

Honda Super Cub Concept


NEW DIRTY BASTARD. K-Speed's Hip Hop Honda Super Cub Scrambler ...

External links

  • Official website
  • Super Cub's official site (in Japanese)
  • The campaign "The Most Beautiful People" Caused Sensation , Honda

Source of the article : Wikipedia
