The third series of Top Gear aired during the latter half of 2003 and ran for 9 episodes, beginning on 26 October before concluding on 28 December, with the show being hosted by returning presenters Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James May. A new "Stig" was introduced after the previous "Stig" (referred to by the presenters as "Black Stig") was written out of the show in the first episode. A "Best of Top Gear" special for the series was aired on 4 January 2004. This series was first in the relaunched show's history to acquire more than 10 million viewers for an episode.
Video Top Gear (series 3)
Maps Top Gear (series 3)
Best-of Episodes
Criticism and Controversy
Hilux Toughness Challenge
Following the broadcast of the fifth episode of the 3rd series, the BBC was contacted by the Churchill Parish in Somerset in regards to the tree that featured in the segment where Clarkson was proving the sturdiness and reliability of the Toyota Hilux. Up until the episode had been broadcast, villagers had presumed that the damage had been done accidentally or by vandals, until they watched what had happened on the show. After the BBC was contacted, the director of Top Gear admitted guilt and the broadcaster paid compensation.
Source of the article : Wikipedia